About me

About me

Made by the sea, that’s me! In my youth I spent a lot of time at the shoreline in Zeeland where I grew up. Looking for shells, fossilised shark teeth, a plunge, or staring to the horizon. Some years after finishing my studies in Environmental Ecology, and Photography, I moved to Friesland where I sailed the Wadden Sea and started with my lifeboat rowing career at Okke Hel in Harlingen. I’m familiar with sea and mudflats, working as a nature guide and trainer at the Waddenvereniging (Waddensea association). Waiting for the opportunity to use all my energy, good spirit and stamina, it was easy to say yes to the chance I got when hearing of a team of 3 looking for a fourth member to cross the Atlantic in 2020. That was a successful crossing as this team Atlantic Dutchesses won the female class in 43 days! I still miss the ocean, the salt in my veins make me long for another crossing. And that is just what I will be doing. Solo! I know and have experienced that I, and actually everybody! can go further and deeper than you’ve ever imagined. It will be different this time, being out there all by myself, but I guess I like my own company just long enough :-).
I also love long distance walks and to explore the mountains worldwide, but mostly the Alps and Scotland. On snowshoes, skis, crossing a glacier or go Munro-bagging. Preferably in winter conditions with a wildcamp, the rougher the better! Of course with a dram of whisky to mark just another Munro on my list. 128 down, 154 to go!

I live and work in Harlingen, a nice town on the shores of the Wadden Sea in the North of the Netherlands. So yes, the sea has never been far away.


The Shore team
Of course, Renate can’t prepare for this adventure all by herself. She needs ánd has the help of some friends and colleagues. To name a few:

Miranda Bolten is a colleague @ Waddenvereniging and is a great help in setting up the campaign as a whole and the communication part in particular.

Pascal Revenich from ‘pascal op wieringen’ helps with training programs.

Egbert Beers  is the webmaster, wherever he is on the planet, help is always close at hand!